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Biohazardous Incident Reporting

Biohazardous Material Exposure

Immediate, proper response to biohazard exposure is critical to minimize the potential for injury or infection.  In most cases, the treatment for a biohazard exposure is very time sensitive. If you have been exposed to a biological agent, take a copy of your lab’s Infectious Agent Fact Sheet and go directly to WVU Medicine’s Ruby Memorial Hospital Emergency Room.

Biohazard Incidents and Exposures

All incidents involving biohazardous materials must be reported to the Biosafety Officer.

Examples of reportable incidents include:

  • Spill outside of a biosafety cabinet
  • Needle-stick
  • Splash to the face
  • Animal bite

If there is an injury involved with the incident, an  EHS Incident Report Form must be completed (within 24 hours)

Procedures for spill and exposure response can be found in WVU’s Biosafety Manual. 

Chapter 6: Occupational Health and Exposure Response

Chapter 8: Decontamination, Disinfection and Spill Response