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Biosafety Manual Cover Image with the words "Biosafety Manual" over the universal biosafety symbol

The West Virginia University Biosafety Manual was developed by the Biosafety Office of the Environmental Health and Safety Department to provide guidance to the university community on proper protocols and procedures for safe research with biohazards. It was adapted from the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules and the CDC Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories.

West Virginia University is committed to forging a culture of safety. Accountability, a core Mountaineer value, drives our commitment to protecting people, property, and the environment through innovation, leadership, and customer service. All faculty, staff, and students are responsible for abiding by the policies and procedures set forth within the manual and are empowered to be an active participant in WVU's culture of safety.

The Biosafety Office is responsible to ensure the most current, best biosafety policies and procedures, compliant with NIH and CDC guidelines, are implemented. Therefore, the Biosafety Office is authorized to revise the manual, as needed.

WVU Biosafety Officer and Assistant Biosafety Officer Signatures