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Universal Waste

Determining Universal Waste Classification 
As part of the EPA’s commitment to encourage recycling, the Agency has issued the Universal Waste Rule. This rule has been designed to reduce the amount of material that is being disposed of as hazardous waste. Universal wastes include: 

A. Rechargeable batteries 
B. Some agricultural pesticides 
C. Thermostats, Thermometers, and sealed mercury-containing devices 
D. Fluorescent Lamps and other mercury-containing lamps 

Accumulation of Universal Waste  

Disposal of universal waste by the handler is prohibited. Universal Waste is a subset of Hazardous Waste; therefore, if the following requirements are not met, the waste will be classified as hazardous waste and subject to those more extensive regulations. Requirements are as follows to be Universal Waste: 

A. All items must be intact (not broken, leaking, or crushed). 
B. All items must be labeled (see Identification and Labeling). 
C. All items must be dated upon the start of accumulation. 
D. All items must be accumulated in a manner to prevent breakage (as if it wasNew) 
E. All items must be shipped to recycling facility less than 1 year from start of accumulation 
F. Universal Waste Pesticides must have original contents label intact