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Fire Drills

Emergency Drill Form 

The Emergency Drill Checklist is used to evaluate the proper evacuation of building occupants during a fire/emergency drill. The checklist can be used by building supervisors, safety committee chairs or Chemical hygiene officers during the annual fire drills.
Emergency Evacuation Form

The Emergency Evacuation Checklist is used to prepare for occupant evacuation. The checklist should be reviewed annually to assure that each item listed doesn’t require repair or modification. If renovations or other changes to building occur, the evacuation plan checklist should be reviewed for accuracy and updated accordingly. The evacuation plan preparation checklist can be used by building supervisors, safety committee chairs or chemical hygiene officers.
Fire Watch Requirements

This information outlines the requirements of a fire watch if the fire alarm and/or sprinkler systems in any West Virginia University building become completely or partially inoperative. A fire watch allows buildings to be temporarily occupied when fire alarm and/or sprinkler systems are out of service. A fire watch is required at all times when buildings are occupied. In unoccupied buildings, the need for a fire watch is determined by the Department of Environmental Health and Safety.